Strategic Plan
Four Years, Four Bold Moves
Faith in Our Future 2027, our strategic plan, was first born in 2021 as we watched Bishop Verot making great strides toward growth and success. Partnering with the Meitler Group to determine the overall strategic direction of the Bishop Verot, school leadership took on an extensive eight month, collaborative process that included feasibility and market research studies, surveyed alumni on their educational and formational outcomes and validated the vision with faculty and stand, members of the School Board, and a large number of the Verot community.
In all, more than 150 community members provided input and worked to validate the vision that will guide our efforts over the next five years. It was critical to all parties involved that in fulfilling this vision, Bishop Verot upholds our commitment in being rooted in Catholic Education- this while working toward a more technology based and collaborative future, while embracing and preserving our past.
Mission & Catholic Identity
- Develop a well-staffed Campus Ministry department to create a robust faith formation program that includes ongoing retreat, service, prayer, and worship opportunities for students.
- Sustained by Gospel witness, institute clearly defined programs of faith formation, catechesis, and spiritual growth for faculty and for parents.
The mission statement will be revised.COMPLETE
Academic Excellence
- A “master plan” to fully implement STREAM into the Bishop Verot curriculum will be created.
- An academic vision will be created and include Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to adequately track student learning and teacher effectiveness.
- Using a tiered plan based on greatest need, ensure all departments including Student Services, Advancement, and Educational Technology are staffed to meet the increased enrollment needs as well as the emerging needs of incoming, current, and transfer students.
Operational Vitality
Enrollment Management
- A comprehensive enrollment management plan, encompassing marketing, recruitment, admissions, and retention, will be developed with a goal of enrolling 225 in each class upon the completion of a new facility with expanded classroom space.
- A capital campaign will be conducted to expand Bishop Verot Catholic High School’s physical plans and rid the campus of portable classrooms.
- A comprehensive Annual Giving program will be planned and implemented.
- An alumni engagement program will be planned and implemented.
- Evaluate the current process for awarding tuition assistance in order to strategically award financial aid and scholarships and maintain the desired student profile.
- The five-year financial projection will be updated every year and utilized when building a balanced budget.
Governance & Leadership
- The leadership model for Bishop Verot will provide clear lines of responsibility, effective operating procedures, and identify ways in which the faculty/staff can take part in decision making processes.
- Bishop Verot’s Advisory School Board will oversee implementation of the strategic plan.
Strategic Planning Committee:
- Suzie O’Grady - Principal, Current Parent
- Kate Hamstra ’03 - Assistant Principal for Administration
- Christina Lavender - Assistant Principal for Curriculum, Current Parent
- Deanna Breen ’94 - School Counselor, Former Parent
- Greg Koziuk - Social Studies Teacher
- Anna Benitez - World Languages Teacher, Current Parent
- Lisa Muench - School Board Member, Former Parent
- Adam Hall ’94 - School Board Member
- Dr. Judi Hughes - School Board President
- Bill Stejskal ’71 - School Board Member, Former Parent, Former Employee
- John Gulley - St. Francis Xavier Catholic School Principal
- Casey Scott - Assistant Dean of Students, Head Baseball Coach